Wednesday, January 13, 2010

dream of new state jharkhand and where we are

when i think of the last eight years when the new state formed , the things getting worse day by day , even non of the government is reliable even nor of them are really working , in short time lots of government comes and goes but non of them really work for the state , yes one thing they do cheated the peoples and makes money .
i say " they can't have any word to claim that they did any theing for the peoples" rather them created the topics of internal war, first was the domicile and now the new war being for PESA law , do the state only have the adivasi peoples , i ask some simple questions what is the population of adivasi , how you define adivasi , does the st/sc are only adivasi peoples ,
i where do the other class will go , what about obc and bc peoples and even the general categories , this is the worst thing for the nation of classification of peoples , the classification is based on caste not on the class of peoples how they live , how much they earn , i dont think the god give brain lesser of higher to the differant class of peoples , if really the government want a real reform the classification need to be based on the earning and economical condition of peoples .
its a pain i feel when i see this distinction and hated among different class of peoples . without taking all peoples together we cant expect a better life among peoples.
i am not talking or have any different feeling for any class but it need to put my voice in front of all so that they must think where we are going .

i say why the PESA law is required , is for to preserve the right of adivasi , better first reconsider the defination of adivasi , i think it mean" the peoples who living here for long time " so i dont think it required only few class of peoples into the term adivasi ,

well if it required to give preservation and work for the enlistment of adivasi and lower class peoples as per as government, better to work for them and work equal rights rather then giving all rights ,
i ask where do the other class of the peoples go , do the other class of peoples are bad enough they can,t think for the betterment of the peoples , we are having secular country and it need to have such thinking to preserve the rights of all peoples .

PESA law will be the new war among the brothers in the state , lets see what will be the next step